Tower CSP Power PlantWind/PV/CSP Thermal Storage Hybrid Power PlantSolar Thermal MSES PlantsPower Generation, Trasmission, Load Center and Storage Integrated Power Plant
Tower CSP Power Plant Overview
The tower CSP is mainly comprised of Solar Block, TESS and SGS Block, and POB. It can serve as a power plant or provide peak or base load to the grid. The installed capacity of a standalone commercial scale tower CSP is normally above 50MW, with 6-15 hours MSES system based on demand. Cosin Solar is now using a new generation of middle-size intelligent heliostat that can generate a main steam at 14MPa/550.0℃.
Operational Mode
Solar Concentrating System
Track the sun in real time, reflect and concentrate direct normal irradiation to the receiver atop the tower.
Thermal Receiving System
Absorb solar energy and convert it into thermal energy by heating up heat transfer fluid (molten salt).
Thermal Storage & Exchange System
Store heat transfer fluid (molten salt), and exchange heat with water to produce high-temperature and high-pressure steam to drive the turbine for power generation when required. The system ensures high-quality power output.
Power Generation System
Steam turbine generator and auxiliary systems like traditional fossil-fuel power plant.

Low-Carbon and Clean Renewable Energy Supply
Dispatchable Power Supply with Built-in Energy Storage
Grid-friendly Regulatory Power Supply